Sunday 24 April 2016



Eid Mubarak is a celebration that all Muslim around the world prepared and excited to celebrated it after they don fasting for a month. Its a celebration that being celebrate on Syawal month in Islam.


  • Eid Mubarak prayers is a special prayer that Muslim do when its comes on 1 Syawal. As we all know pray is must thing to do in Islam and same with Eid Mubarak prayers. On this day, all Muslim for all over the world will gather at their nearby mosque to perform Eid Mubarak Salat.


  • On Eid Mubarak, we all get prepared for the celebration. Buying new clothes, clean our self early in the morning and wear the new clothes. Its a exciting moments actually because we all will look good in Eid Mubarak and give us the spirit of Mubarak after a long fasting month.


  • On this special Eid Mubarak, visiting family and friends is a one of the great things to do because some of us may be far from family when working or study so this is the most special day to visiting. Come to relatives house and apologizing to each other and its a traditions on Hari Raya Aidilfitri.


  • Eid-ul-fitr is a celebration that full with traditions and one of it is delicious food. As example is ketupat, rendang and variety of sweets. Its like every house that we visit we get to eat delicious food. We also can gather with family prepared all this delicious food on the Eid Mubarak night. 


  • Zakat fitrah is obligatory Zakat paid by every Muslim who is able and affordable. In islam Zakat must be pay because its on the Islam rules. The one who able to give zakat to the poor one will received such a good reward in hereafter. 


5 things to do before going to sleep


  • We all know that most of us is depending on smart phone in this new era, it's like everyday smart phone has become an important things in our life. Checking on our smart phone before sleep is already become a habit for us, for example checking on message, email, playing game, set an alarm to get up and read some positive quotes before sleeping. We probably can easily fall asleep when we do this before sleep.


  • Reading before bed can be a healthy things to do before sleeps even reading is not on the list of our favorites things to do but it can be done by anyone. Reading give us many benefits, its improve our cognitive function and a stress reduction. Usually when we reading before sleep its can help us to clear our mind.


  • Clean yourself before sleep is one of the important things to do before go to bed. We must make sure our self clean before and after go to sleep, for example we can brush our teeth, wash our face or even take a bath. This is to make us more comfortable and feel clean when we sleep. 


  • Sometimes workout or do some exercise before sleep can make our lifestyle more healthy because some of us like to eat more than work out before sleep. A simple workout can lead us to a good sleep and its not gonna effect our sleep at all as long as you do the workout or exercise in a correct way.


  • This is one of the most important things you can do before you sleep. Planning for tomorrow, writing down what you need to do and get ready for the next day to come. For example, most people will iron their clothes and get all the relevant document ready before they sleep. After done with it, you are ready for sleep and do not forget for Muslims, a Dua' is a must :)

Sunday 17 April 2016

Leisure time -

Assalamualaikum and happy weekend guys ..

It has been 12 weeks we post in this blogger maniacs blog. So, how do you feel about our blog? Is it OK? For this week we are going to share to all of you what we will do if we have a leisure time.

We as a student, somehow have quite much our leisure time. Sometime, we do things that will benefits to us, but somehow we did not. For me, when I have a leisure time at the evening, I will play futsal with my fellow classmate. It is one of way that I can exercise. During weekdays, usually there has a class from 10a.m. until 5p.m. and there will have a gap between the class. Usually, within the gap, I will take a lunch and go to library make a discussion with the classmates.

Other than that, I will go swimming if I have a leisure time. As you all know, with swimming we can strengthen our stamina and also muscle. These are some of the activities that has a benefit in it.

On weekend, usually we will play computer games such as Counter strike, DOTA, Red Alert and so on. If we have some money at that time, we will make our day at McDonald or other restaurant to fill our leisure time.


These are our activities during our leisure time. How about your activity during your leisure time?
That's all from blogger maniacs for this week. See you guys next week with more interesting topic. Stay tuned ..............

Sunday 10 April 2016


What is STRESS?

Stress is your body's way for reacting to any sort of interest. It can be cause by both good and bad experiences. For some people, stress has become a way of their life. Stress isn't always bad. Sometimes, stress can help you perform under pressure or motivate you to do your best. But when stress becomes overwhelming, it can damage your health, mood, relationships, and quality of life.

Causes of STRESS

  • Being unhappy with job
  • Financial problems
  • Argument with parents, family, partner or friends
  • Working too much
  • Having to give speech in front of people
  • The death of loved one
  • Chronic illness
  • Traumatic event such as violence, rape, theft or natural disaster

Effect of stress overload

When you having stress overload in your daily life, it can raise your blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, speed up the aging process and leave you vulnerable to a host of mental and emotional problems. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. 

Many health problems are caused or exacerbated by stress, including:

  • Pain of any kind
  • Heart disease
  • Digestive problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression
  • Weight problems
  • Auto immune diseases
  • Skin conditions, such as eczema

How to manage STRESS?

1. Breathe Deeply

Take a 5 minute break and concentrate on your breathing. Sit up straight, eyes close, with a hand on your stomach. Slowly breathe in through your nose, feeling the breath begin in your abdomen and work its way to the top of your head. Reverse the process as you breathe out through your mouth.

2. Sharing Out

Your social life is one of your best tools for handling stress. Talk to others, preferably face to face, or at least on the phone. Share what's going on. You can get a fresh perspective while keeping your connection strong.

3. Eat a Healthy Diet

A good health of your body can cope with stress, so aware of what you eat. Begin your day right with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals for the day.

4. Reduce Caffeine and Sugar

The "highs" caffeine and sugar give frequently end in crash in state of mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you'll feel more relaxed and you'll sleep better.

5. Make Time for Fun and Relaxation

Come up with a healthy ways to relax and recharge. Try to do these activities each day, even if you're feeling good.

  • Go for a walk
  • Spend time in nature
  • Call a good friend
  • Play a competitive game of tennis or racquetball
  • Light scented candles
  • Play with a pet
  • Work in your garden
  • Get a massage
  • Curl up with a good book
  • Listen to music
  • Watch a comedy

Sunday 3 April 2016




Nowadays many student in university mostly like to do not beneficial activities, it also because influence from the friends. For example hanging out with friends at shopping complex, go to clubbing or party and so on. They always go back home in the late morning when they have hanging out with their friends every night. So they feel tired and lazy to wake-up. So, because of that they make decision not need to go to class.


Usually many student give excuses like missed the bus. They missed the bus because they unpunctual about the time. So they feel no need to attend classes on that day. Behind that, students also who give reason their vehicle damaged. For example a flat tire and the car or motorcycle cannot start. When the vehicle is damaged so they think they do not need to come to their classes and they have good reasons not to come to class.


Moreover, not interest in the subject class to be a one of the reasons students doesn’t come to class. These students often do not have an interest in learning and they not focus in the class. So, students feel the subject is not important. For example, the student feels difficult to memorize a subjects that have many theories and fact. Other students also don’t like calculation subject because they must take longer times solve the problem and learn about problematic equation. Therefore, not all subject make they easy to understand and make their focus in a class, so it make them so lazy come to class. It will make them take time to think, learn and study about a subject.

Sunday 27 March 2016


What is a hobby? A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment or relaxation and not as a main occupation. A hobby is generally an art in which a person is most interested. It always serves as a source of recreation.

There are numerous hobbies. Some are fond of singing. Others like to draw pictures. Some collect stamps and old coins while other take interest in collecting poetry pieces or purchasing old books. In short, there are many hobbies as there are persons.

Now, let us bring you to the Blogger Maniacs hobbies. Our first member is Zarif. Playing musical instrument such as piano and guitar are his hobby. When he was studying or has a free time, Zarif used to take a break to play something energetically. However, when Zarif went to university, he had to leave his piano behind but he bring his guitar. Sometimes he plays guitar for his housemates and singing together with them.

Next is Marul. Marul likes to play futsal when his has free time. Playing futsal helps him to relax and be confident after studying all day long. Besides that, futsal taught him the spirit of teamwork and created a strong sportsmanship in his attitude. To Marul, this futsal is interesting and amazing, especially the feeling when he score a goal. That feeling gives him that he just achieves something important.  

Our third member is Ilham. His favourite hobby is playing Dota. Ever since he was in high school, he loves this game. As many people know, this is a MOBA game that has been rising to the big leagues of games ever since it was created. Dota is known for its capability to get its players highly addicted to it and Ilham is addicted to it. He can play this games for many hours without eat and get bath. 

Then, our fourth member is Aisyah. Aisyah loves drawing because drawing do not cost much and is always fun. Aisyah likes drawing since she was 5 years old. The weirdest thing about her hobby is that nobody taught her how to draw. She learnt it by herself and later got inspiration by her parents. She always intimated everything from books such as cartoons and animes. She improving her skills until now and still making improvements.

The last member is Aqilah. Aqilah's hobby is travelling. She loves to travel. Travelling has been a core component of her life since she was a very young. Her family had the mentality of going to countless places rather than the same place year after year. These trips has taken Aqilah all over Malaysia giving her many opportunities that many have been able to experience. 

Saturday 19 March 2016

iOS v Android

iOS and android been competing almost 6 years form now. The first iOS was unveiled in 2007 and the first android was unveiled in 2008. So a lot of change since then obviously over 6 year. But the question still remain which is better? What i read today is my opinion and my experiences most of this coming up to my head so i'm gonna miss some topic and support the topics but let us leave discussion for the comment. So lets get started.


Fluidity isn't a speed, fluidity is what the phone make of that speed what operating system does with that speed. For iOS its lacking hardware but really well optimized all the animation and stuff are extremely smooth. On the android side, you can reach that level of fluidity but its not always right out of the box. But if modified maybe install custom ROM or something you can reach that fluidity.


When we looking at iOS a lot of simplicity and it easy to use and self-explanatory but its not very customizable. So eventhough i appreciate customizability of iOS is definitely something to desire. But on the android side of thing you have a lot of customizability you can tell your phone to your needs but its not simple because you need to know what you doing.


Speaking of iOS hardware its awful the specs are low end their subpar kinda disgusting actually on the batteries are low-powered everything in the iOS is subpar you're not getting a high-end device but its pretty well optimized for the iPhone. On the android side of thing you extremely powerful devices such as qHD display switches and you have 3gigabytesof RAM huge batteries with huge battery life huge screen its over all the hardware.


This is the last thing i want to talk about and app now is an interesting subject because on iOS side of thing to get a lot of pre installed app but you cant delete unless you jailbreak to do something like that but then you you also have the App store which is expansive it's much bigger than the Google Play store. But on android you can make it so you dont have any app's on your home screen you'll have to have any out on your own tune is totally customizable but the Google Play Store is a little bit smaller . 

Soo thats all for my opinion and if you disagree with anything or maybe i forgot a topic or got something wrong just go and leave a comment and we will discuss