Sunday 28 February 2016

The Best of Both Worlds

The best of both worlds is a situation where people can get a benefit of two different job at the same time. It is not easy for us to implant this idiom to our selves. It is not because we can't do it, but we don't know how to have it. Let us story to all of you about one of friend who is enjoying his both worlds.

His name is Edward Kucai. He is Malaysian and loves music. When he is 6 years old, his parents sent him to music class to play piano and guitar. Kucai started to love musics since then. With his nice voice and good in play piano, he won several music competition. His ambition is to be an accountant. So, he study hard at school to achieve his ambition. At the same time, he use music to release his stress while studying. Kucai got flying colors in his SPM's results and he got offer full scholarship to further his study in Yale University, United States. He accept the offer because it is his ambition to study professional course ACCA. In his university, he joins Yale's Musical Club as a guitarist and also vocalist. With his charming voice and the skills playing guitar, he got an offer from one of big jazz bar to make a performance whenever he is free. After he finished his study, he work as an accountant executive in one of the big company at United State. Finally, what he dream of come true to be an accountant. Even thou, he is busy with his work, but at the same time he will make a performance at jazz bar every time he is free. He is enjoying the best of both worlds.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Family Vacation, Greatest thing a family can do Together.

In the end of the year 2015, my family went on a 4 days 3 nights vacation to Thailand. My family and I went there by car and it was my father who drove there. We departed from our home on Saturday by 11 P.M., from Malacca. There are two Malaysia-Thailand borders in the state of Perlis, we went to Thailand by bypassing the Perlis-Thailand Border.

We arrived at Wang Kelian, Perlis at 8 A.M. for a light breakfast at a food stall. Right after breakfast, we continued our journey to The Free Land, Thailand. The village right across Wang Kelian is Wang Prachan in the Satun province, Southern Thai. We then cross the border by passing the Malaysia-Thailand immigration office.

Our first destination in Thailand is Pak Bara. Pak Bara is in the Langu District. We then spend a night at the Pak Bara Resort. We had our dinner at the Pak Bara Restaurant. Over at the restaurant, we had the most Iconic Thailand Cuisine ever. The Spotlight of Thailand. We had the most amazing Seafood Tom yam, together with Steamed Sea Bass, served with Thai Rice. After that night, we spent our time reminiscing the past together. I love to see my family having a great time together.

The next day, we had our light breakfast and then we continued our journey together to the Iconic Place in Thailand, Krabi. It took us 7 hours to reach Krabi from Pak Bara. Over there, we checked in at the Srisuksant Resort Ao Nang. Since it is a long travel from Pak Bara to Krabi, we had our rest after we checked in. After we had our dinner, we went to the Ao Nang Beach by Tuk Tuk. We stopped by to a few stalls there and bought some souvenirs. Since we went there at night, so we can't see most of the sceneries at the Ao Nang Beach. The next morning, we took a walk at the Ao Nang Beach. The view there is extraordinarily amazing. We then checked out from the Srisuksant Resort Ao Nang.

Right after Krabi, we continue on our journey to Hatyai, which is a 10 hour drive. Hatyai is our last checkpoint for this vacation trip. Before checking into the hotel, we had our dinner first. We all looked half-dead thanks to the 10 hour trip. All and all, I am very proud of my father who drove the entire trip there. Thank you, Abah. We then checked in at the Hatyai Greenview Hotel, Haytai.

Finally, the final day for our 4 days 3 nights trip to Thailand. My mother wants to stop by at the Hatyai Market to buy some groceries. She bought some Tom yam paste, rice, spices and so on. After that, we had our lunch together at one of the most famous restaurants in Hatyai, . After we had that amazing lunch, we continue on to the Sadao District, which is also known as Danor on the border of Malaysia at the Songkhla Province, Southern Thai. Again, we went through the Thailand-Malaysia immigration office to go back to Malaysia.

It was an amazing experience we shared together as a family. This travel experience is very adventurous for me and my family. Even with the long drive form one place to another, it's still an amazing experience to be spent together as a family. I hope one day, me and my family can do this activity together again.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Bully, Childhood Nightmare

Ever thought about someone being bullied on their entire childhood? Let us share the biggest slice of one of our member's childhood: being bullied. It all started when I was in standard 1. Since the first day of school, my peers love to bully me. They LOVE to bully me. As a low self-esteem kid, I will always be targeted for bullying. Easier said like this: I am a bully-material.

My peers will always ask for my pocket money. Every single day, I can never join the "cool" kids having their lunch, because the "cool" kids' lunch was sponsored by me. If i forgot to bring any food from home, I will stay in class and study alone.

I remember during art class, where we got to paint on a piece of big canvas. It turns out that my school attire is also categorized as a big canvas to paint on. My classmates will paint my clothes whenever they have the chance. They will only stop if i start to cry and call for the teacher.

During my standard school years, I am the class' homework-doer. My classmates will queue in front of me and pass their homework to me. Every day, my homework will be quadrupled because i will have to do the extra 3 copies for my classmates. This nightmare stopped when the teacher notices in the resemblance of the handwriting.

This is only a small fraction of my bully experience. I end my story here. Thank you.


Ever wonder the story from the opposite side? In every bully stories, there's always the ones who get bullied, and the bully. We will now share what it feels like bullying someone. This story is from one of our member's childhood memories.

When I was in standard 3 I always follow my classmates to bully the juniors. It feels great at that time because it can make my day happy. The most unforgotten bully that my friend and I did was ask the kid to gently blow a well lit light bulb until it turns off. I enjoyed watching him crying and blowing the light bulb for a solid 2 hours. He begged to us to make him stop when he started to pee in his pants. Oh my god that was funny.

Next, when I was in standard 5 during Morning Assembly,  I poured a bottle of Axe Brand Oil at one of my friend's back. He started to sweat because of the pain inflicted to him. Right after the Morning Assembly, he runs to the toilet to wash his back. I then sprinkled some extra Axe Brand Oil on his armpit to add the extra burn. He cried for help and went home because he can't handle the pain. This was the best memory that I have in mind.

I will end my story here because it is too harsh to tell. All and all, we all have changed to a better person. Let us together help the country by being a better person. :)

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Disclaimer: Love may Hurt you

The sun illuminates the earth from the east as it progresses through the morning. The rattling sound of the old-aged fan distracts Johnathan's sleep. Scented by stale cigarette smoke and cheap alcohol lingering through his nose. As he grabs his phone, he notices the notification appeared on his hand phone's screen: a message left by his date for the day, Sarah.

He reads the text message that was sent by Sarah while looking puzzled about the motion stated by Sarah. Where should we have our lunch? After awaiting his thought process to start kicking, he finally remembered that they have set their date last week. Johnathan then suggests to her to meet up at Anne's Coffee and Doughnuts Cafe. She accepts Johnathan's suggestion with a fluttering heart and starts getting ready to meet him.

Because of too eager to see Sarah, Jonathan reached at Anne's Coffee and Doughnuts Cafe earlier than the time they have set. He is waiting for Sarah calmly with a glass of water. By the time Sarah walks into the cafe, Jonathan is cheered by Sarah's beautiful smile and her long beauty dress. Sarah was shocked whenever see Jonathan already waiting for her and thought that she is late. She said:

 "Oh Jonathan, sorry am I late?"

"Oh no, you are not late any single minute darling, I also just got here" Jonathan replied. 

Johnathan knew how to adore a lady. As he offers her a seat, he starts complimenting every beauty exposed by Sarah. The way she smiles, the giggle she made when she laughs, the way she take a good care of her hair, Along the time their lunch, Jonathan's takes a lot of picture together as a proof of their memories date together. The time is passing like a bullet rain, Sarah has to go back to do her work. Jonathan gave the pictures that he took to Sarah before she leave. 

At night, with a joyful face, Sarah looks back the photos that Jonathan's took during their date. Suddenly, she feels extremely feared and uneasy by the time she looked at the photos because there is something wierd and similarity in the photos. Without further due, Sarah calls Jonathan and explained what is happening with a fierce voice. Jonathan tries to calm Sarah. With a charming and caring voice, Jonathan said;

"Sarah, please calm down. There is nothing on it and nothing will happen. Just believe in me. I'm here for you if anything happen".

Sarah feels reliefs by Jonathan words and she stay calm after that and go to sleep. However, caused of nightmare in her sleep, she feels more scared and decided to go to the church near the city to see the priest, Father Louis, to know what exactly happen to her. Sarah tells the story and show the pictures to Father Louis. After hear all the story and see the pictures from Sarah, Father Louis said;

"That is the spirit ghost and you are being haunted by it".

It makes Sarah feels more frighten and feared. Sarah asks to Father Louis;

"Father Louis, what is the way for me not to be haunted by it?".

Father Louis give a mantra recitation to Sarah and saying that she needs to recite that mantra 7 times in the abandoned chamber at midnight. 

After she arrive at home, she straight away call Jonathan. Sarah explained one by one what is Father Louis told her about the spirit ghost. She is asking Jonathan to accompany her to the abandoned chamber that suggested by the priest. Without any hesitation, Jonathan accept the offer by Sarah and go to that abandoned chamber together at that midnight. 

As the time they entered the chamber, Sarah straight away recites the mantra that has given by the priest earlier. After she finished recites the mantra 7 times, something stiff hurt her on her back that make Sarah paralyze and faint.

After several hours Sarah conscious from her faint and she feels weird because she is banded. She is asking for a help, but there is no one in that abandoned chamber and she try to loosen the band. While she is trying to loose the band, Jonathan and Father Louis come together with a shovel and butcher knife. Sarah feels uneasy with the butcher knife that Father Louis hold, she remembered the news about the serial killer that happened lately. By the time she wants to beg for mercy to them, she was stabbed by the butcher knife, her skin was gently removed like a goat's pelt. She died after all of her skin was removed.

As the days went by, Johnathan woke up and asks Jasmine, his date of the day, where will they be having their lunch.