Sunday 28 February 2016

The Best of Both Worlds

The best of both worlds is a situation where people can get a benefit of two different job at the same time. It is not easy for us to implant this idiom to our selves. It is not because we can't do it, but we don't know how to have it. Let us story to all of you about one of friend who is enjoying his both worlds.

His name is Edward Kucai. He is Malaysian and loves music. When he is 6 years old, his parents sent him to music class to play piano and guitar. Kucai started to love musics since then. With his nice voice and good in play piano, he won several music competition. His ambition is to be an accountant. So, he study hard at school to achieve his ambition. At the same time, he use music to release his stress while studying. Kucai got flying colors in his SPM's results and he got offer full scholarship to further his study in Yale University, United States. He accept the offer because it is his ambition to study professional course ACCA. In his university, he joins Yale's Musical Club as a guitarist and also vocalist. With his charming voice and the skills playing guitar, he got an offer from one of big jazz bar to make a performance whenever he is free. After he finished his study, he work as an accountant executive in one of the big company at United State. Finally, what he dream of come true to be an accountant. Even thou, he is busy with his work, but at the same time he will make a performance at jazz bar every time he is free. He is enjoying the best of both worlds.

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